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Pea Ridge Pecans and Mote Farm is a family owned farm

that grows and sells pecans, bulk pork, chicken eggs,

and other canned goods.   
The pecans are homegrown on the 90-acre

Mote family orchard that was established in 1926

and was named “Pea Ridge” for its known pea gravel. 

The pecans are known for their rich, buttery taste.
Pigs and chickens are also raised on the farm

in the most safe, humane, and clean environment.

Stay Up-To-Date with Pea Ridge Pecans

What’s Happening

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Reviving the Farm - Spring 2021

Since April 2021, Pea Ridge Pecans' revival has been underway; removing brush, spraying existing trees with zinc, drilling a water well, adding irrigation, and building other infrastructure needed to be a top-notch pecan orchard.

Preparing for Harvest - Summer 2021

Summer of 2021 at Pea Ridge Pecans has been full of spraying for invasive brush, nurturing the existing trees, ordering over 350 new trees to be planted, and mowing the land to prepare for Fall harvest.

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Our First Harvest - Fall 2021

Harvest came a bit earlier than expected with nuts splitting and dropping before the first freeze - Mid-October 2021.  Family and friends pitched in to help secure our 2021 crop at Pea Ridge Pecans!

Re-Planting Trees

From December 28, 2021 through January 1, 2022 we planted 394 new trees as a part of our phase I revitalization project at Pea Ridge.  The new trees include Caddo, Lakota, Desireable, Pawnee, Oconee, and Chocktaw pecan trees, as well as 25 fruit tress, which include apple, peach, pear, and nectarine.  Friends and family all chipped in!

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